Friday, October 1, 2010

Andy's ranting blog posts June 2010

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Sunday, June 27, 2010
In a truly REVOLTING recent Facebook exchange (pictured above), Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) President Chris Armstrong, a wild-eyed radical homosexual activist, and MSA representative Ron Ketelhut, another homosexual activist, discuss their plans to engage in frequent casual "gay" sex together, beginning this fall semester.
After spending three years living in the dorms, Armstrong will finally be moving off campus to share a house with Ketelhut and several others during his senior year. Currently, Ketelhut, who represents the School of Education in MSA and endeavors to become a high school teacher, is spending the summer in Florence, Italy, livin' it up. Meantime, Chris is currently in Washington, D.C., partying for the remainder of the summer while attempting to hold on to his "internship" at Nancy Pelosi's office (see the two posts immediately below for more information on that on-going situation).

This past year, Armstrong recruited Ketelhut, a fellow homosexual activist, to run for the MSA seat from the School of Education via Armstrong's M-Forward party.

The screenshot posted above is from Armstrong's Facebook (FB) wall and reflects an exchange that he and Ketelhut had this past Thursday, June 24, 2010. A confidential source provided the screenshot exclusively to Chris Armstrong Watch, and this Concerned Michigan Alumnus has confirmed its authenticity via multiple sources.

In the exchange, Ketelhut first tells Armstrong:
I love and miss you so much, and every time I remember our bedrooms are actually connected next year I JUMP UP AND DOWN. Keep runnin' D.C. like you're suppose to!! :)-
Another confidential source tells Chris Armstrong Watch that Ketelhut and Armstrong are not "romantically involved," but rather Ketelhut is allegedly just one of Armstrong's many "gay" friends who come with so-called benefits, i.e. male friends who hook-up with Armstrong for frequent casual sexual encounters.
After his initial wall post, Ketelhut then follows-up by adding:
Also, I just read our wall-to-wall as a little pre-bedtime entertainment. SO. GOOD.
It is clear what activity Ketelhut is referring to.

As so-called student leaders, both Armstrong and Ketelhut should be ashamed of themselves.

But obviously they are not. Apparently, by posting their comments via each other's FB walls, they want all their student constituents to know what perverse sexual activity goes on between them in the bedroom and beyond.

Sadly, it is unsurprsing that Chris Armstrong would openly engage in such sexual promiscuity at the young age of 20.

According to, "A far-ranging study of homosexual men published in 1978 revealed that 75 percent of self-identified, white, gay men admitted to having sex with more than 100 different males in their lifetime: 15 percent claimed 100-249 sex partners; 17 percent claimed 250-499; 15 percent claimed 500-999; and 28 percent claimed more than 1,000 lifetime male sex partners."

Moreover, a 1997 study conducted by pro-homosexual researchers concluded that "life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men."

By engaging in such flagrant sexual promiscuity in such a public manner Chris Armstrong shows the U of M community that he is not only a perverted homosexual exhibitionist, but also that he has a severe lack of judgment. U of M students deserve better than to be represented by a degenerate.
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 8:37 PM
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
In a STUNNING admission, the head of the internship program for the office of U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi tells Chris Armstrong Watch that the office was not aware that one of its summer interns, Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) President Chris Armstrong, was affiliated with Order of Angell - a secret student society at U of M that has a well-documented history of racism and elitism.

Armstrong, the first openly homosexual president of the student body and a zealous proponent of the radical homosexual agenda, began "interning" with Speaker Pelosi's office earlier this month. According to Tom Manatos, a top aide to Pelosi, the office was not aware of Armstrong's affiliation with the group or that Armstrong had LIED to minority students' faces during his MSA presidential campaign when he stated that he would never join such an offensive group.

Order of Angell has been called U of M's version of the KKK. As has been documented in previous postings here on Chris Armstrong Watch, U of M minority students were OUTRAGED after Armstrong broke his campaign pledge and immediately joined the group following his election this past March. Many students have called for his resignation, but arrogant Armstrong refuses to step-down and has publicly defended his prompt, about-face decision to join the racist group.

After being provided documentation that the U of M College Democrats have thrown Armstrong under the bus over this issue (see:, top Pelosi aide Manatos informed this Concerned Michigan Alumnus that he would personally investigate the matter.

Since the intern application asks students to "List organizations, club, teams, etc. that you have been involved with," did Armstrong purposely omit his membership in Order of Angell? See:

Will Speaker Pelosi, one of the most powerful and prominent Democratic politicians in the nation, continue to allow Chris Armstrong - the grand dragon of MSA - to serve as one of her summer interns? Or does the Speaker fear the radical, affluent white homosexual establishment that backs Chris Armstrong 100%?

What will the Speaker do? Stay tuned . . .
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 9:37 PM
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Michigan Student Assembly's recently-elected president, Chris Armstrong, a militant homosexual activist, has apparently grown tired of the Ann Arbor party-scene and has moved back to Washington, D.C. for the remainder of the summer to live it up in in the infamous Dupont Circle neighborhood. Armstrong's cover? He's "interning" with U.S. House Speaker Nancy "Princess" Pelosi (D-San Francisco), who - like Armstrong - comes from an extremely wealthy family.

Following the end of winter semester at U of M, Armstrong stayed in Ann Arbor until early June, allegedly to "work" on his Sociology senior honors thesis. However, Armstrong spent most of this time engaging in underage binge-drinking as well as imitating his favorite San Francisco homosexual "role model," Harvey Milk, by ranting and raving at pro-homosexual rights rallies.

It is no surprise that Armstrong found his way back to D.C. Last summer, 2009, Armstrong "interned" at the viciously anti-Christian "Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund," which is headquartered in Washington and provides financial and campaign support for homosexual political candidates. Indeed, this group later helped Armstrong significantly with his run for president of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) this past March.

Now, this summer, Armstrong once again has used his sexual preference to advance his ambitions. Although Pelosi's office says on its website that "preference will be given to residents of San Francisco" for those seeking internships, Armstrong, who hails from the wealthy town of Ridgefield, Connecticut, had no problem getting one of the few spots available. See:

It seems as though the Princess also prefers those from the East Coast - as long as they're wealthy and homosexual, that is. Of course, the fact that Armstrong is a member of a racist, elitist organization, like U of M's Order of Angell, is also probably a plus in the eyes of Pelosi and her staff - after all, they worship at the altar of Planned Parenthood, which was started by white supremacist Margaret Sanger.

Armstrong, for his part, seems to be motivated to join Princess Pelosi's court as a lowly handmaiden for three reasons. First, it's an excuse to get back to D.C. and "party" (read: binge-drink underage) with all his "gay" friends. Second, it adds to Armstrong's resume, which is somewhat thin, since he's never had a real job in his life. And, finally, the unpaid gig actually does not entail much work at all - at least for Armstrong.

When this Concerned Michigan Alumnus recently called Princess Pelosi's office to confirm Armstrong's internship position, I was told by a paid staffer named Jeff that, yes, Armstrong had already begun "interning" with the office but had the day off. Upon further inquiry, Jeff informed me that Armstrong was one of a few select interns that made his own hours and came in when it "fit" into his schedule.

Wow. Talk about a sense of entitlement. It looks as though Armstrong will "fit" right in at Princess Pelosi's court this summer.
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 8:16 PM
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Reeling from weeks of well-deserved criticism via this watch site and other outlets, such as the Michigan Daily and the U of M College Democrats, Chris Armstrong, the first openly homosexual president of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA), has decided to finally do what any typical spoiled rich kid would do in response: whine to his wealthy daddy about it.

Apparently, Chris' father, millionaire corporate attorney Steve Armstrong, became sick of his son's incessant tantrums and/or Steve became alarmed that the world was coming to see Chris as the narcissistic little snot that he truly is.

Either way, in recent days, Steve did in fact make an attempt to take-down this watch site by - get this - posing as an impostor and trying to obtain access to this Concerned Michigan Alumnus' Facebook (FB) account.

Sounds ludicrous? Of course, it does. But it's astonishingly TRUE.

This past Saturday, May 29, 2010, Steve Armstrong spent the day creating a FB account under his own name. He joined the popular on-line social network, outlined his biographical info, put-up four profile pics, and talked about his wife Cynthia, daughter Stephanie, and, of course, his son Chris. That day, or shortly thereafter, Steve added Chris and Stephanie as FB friends as well as several others. As of this writing, Steve has 23 FB friends.

However, Steve already had a FB profile, which he created in 2009 and which had been dormant for many months. In fact, Steve's "original" FB profile had less than five friends, including Chris. Steve's "original" FB profile was mostly bare, although he did have a profile pic - a picture of a small waterfall taken while on one of his safari trips in Africa.

Now, Steve, the corporate millionaire attorney, thought he could out-smart this Concerned Michigan Alumnus by cleverly changing the name of his original FB profile to a "Marcus Toka ********" utlizing my real last name as a ploy to get me to accept his FB friend request.

Yet, this rich fool did not do his homework. Steve did not know that all the people with my last name and who reside in the USA are, in fact, related to me in some fashion or another. So, I knew right from the start that this "friend" request was bogus. Nevertheless, I decided to play along.

Steve sent me his bogus friend request on Monday, May 31, 2010 at 11:30 p.m. I did not accept it until the night of Tuesday, June 1, 2010, at which time I discovered some very interesting things about this "Marcus." First, "Marcus" only had eight other FB friends. Second, and curiously enough, "Marcus" claimed to be living in Philadelphia, PA and enrolled as a graduate student at an unnamed university in order to obtain his masters in anthropology. Third, "Marcus'" FB profile said he was a "Christian - Catholic" and his political views were that of the "Republican Party." Yup, sure . . . And, "Marcus" said that "I am currently doing a survey/study on the interaction between recent college graduates, sports, facebook and careers."

Whatever research "Marcus" was doing was aimed - for sure - at this Concerned Michigan Alumnus. On his FB wall, "Marcus" posted a FB status update at the EXACT same time he sent me his bogus friend request saying that he was "Working!".

Also, it's no coincidence that "Marcus" claims to be living in Philadelphia, since that's exactly where Steve Armstrong now spends his weekdays working as the in-house counsel for the Campbell Soup Company, according to his recently established "Google profile." See:

When one examines the very few friends that "Marcus" has, which are not listed publicly on FB, one finds connections to Steve. For instance, "Marcus'" FB friend Jayneel Patel works for IBM, which lo and behold is the same company that Steve's wife Cynthia works at as a "career manager/analyst," according to Steve's newly-created FB profile.

Moreover, the writing style contained on the "Marcus" FB profile page, Steve's Google profile page, and Steve's newly-created FB profile page is one in the same.

And, where did Steve get the idea to pose as a graduate student? Probably from his daughter Stephanie, who is currently enrolled as a grad student at Teacher's College at Steve's law school alma mater, Columbia University.

The real smoking gun, however, remains the fact that Steve was stupid enough to use the same old profile pic for "Marcus" as he did for his original FB profile - that of the African waterfall. Is Steve really this much of an idiot? I mean, really?

After I deleted "Marcus" as a FB friend, I confronted "Marcus" via FB e-mail. In e-mail exchanges over the past few days, "Marcus" feigned ignorance and claimed that he just friended me because of our "common" last name. However, "Marcus" did change his public profile description to read: "Just a measly grad student trying to get a nut."

I guess we now know where Chris learned to lie and deceive people - right from his own father. What an absolutely shameful episode.

In the final analysis, Steve Armstrong's quest to come to his son's "rescue" has backfired - big time. As this Concerned Michigan Alumnus told "Marcus," a.k.a. Steve, I don't know what game he thinks he's playing, but I'm not into charades.
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 6:21 PM
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