Saturday, October 2, 2010

This headline has brought me to tears...

Suicides of gay teenagers: Four dead in three weeks...

I'm sorry I won't be posting anymore tonight...until tomorrow... take time to remember who was lost this who you are and love one another.
Peace and Blessings to you all.

More of Andy's Homophobic Behavior.

Gay pride sticker sparks controversy at pizzeria

Excerpt from the article....
"...Wright said that Shirvell does not have any official status as a spokesman for the church and that Shirvell’s view on this matter is in opposition to the majority of the parish.
Wright added that of the people he had spoken to about Shirvell’s statements, he could not find many who agreed with him.
“Most of the people — at least of the people I’m at work with — more were outraged and indignant about (Shirvell’s) posture than (the sticker itself),” he said..."

2 Other faces for the Hall of SHAME! Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei

Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei, who knew each other in high school college,  have been charged with invasion of privacy. Ravi had even tweeted that he watched his livestream of Tyler Clementi from a computer in Wei's room. Both Ravi and Wei face up to five years in jail.

Tyler Clementi comitted suicide by jumping off the George Washington bridge as a result of Ravi's and Wei's hateful actions.

Shame of the two of you. Hopefully other charges and civil lawsuits will be brought against you two.

The Tragic Story of Tyler Clementi, Rutgers' Webcam Voyeurism Victim

How a College Kid Livestreamed His Roommate's Gay Sexual Encounter, Causing a Suicide

Is This Webcam Spying Victim Tyler Clementi's Last Call for Help?

Mike Cox Backtracks, Andrew Shirvell To Face Hearing For Attacks On Gay Student

Mike Cox Backtracks, Andrew Shirvell To Face Hearing For Attacks On Gay Student

Mike Cox Backtracks, Andrew Shirvell To Face Hearing For Attacks On Gay Student

By On Top Magazine Staff
Published: October 02, 2010

Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox has reversed himself, saying Friday that Andrew Shirvell will face a disciplinary hearing for attacking gay student Chris Armstrong.

The Detroit Free Press reported Friday that Cox will look into Shirvell's actions after all.

Shirvell is facing mounting criticism and calls for his immediate resignation after he appeared on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 on Wednesday to defend his actions.
Shirvell began attacking Armstrong after he was elected president of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Student Assembly in April. He's criticized and belittled Armstrong at Chris Armstrong Watch, a website he runs, now sealed off behind a password protected page.

The University of Michigan has banned Shirvell from its campus. And Armstrong, 21, has filed a personal protection order against him.
Earlier this week, Cox called Shirvell's actions “offensive,” but defended his right to express his opinions.

“He's clearly a bully. Absolutely,” Cox, a Republican, told Anderson Cooper. “And is he using the Internet to be a bully? Yes. But is that protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution? Yes.”
Cox now reasons that the university's actions, among other things, justifies disciplinary action.
“Standing outside anyone's home in the middle of the night … is not an action he would recommend to any state employee,” John Sellek, a Cox spokesman, told the Detroit Free Press.

University officials and students have rallied to Armstrong's side. Its president, Mary Sue Coleman, decried the attacks in a statement: “As a community we must not and will not accept displays of intolerance.”

“Chris, your mother and I are thinking of you every minute,” Steve Armstrong wrote. “We cannot begin to express the pride we feel in your strength, intelligence and leadership.”

** Here is another link on the same story Assistant AG to face a hearing

 The intolerance MUST stop. Equal Rights for ALL

Explain why Shirvell was using government computers for personal attacks???

Michigan Log Cabin Republican Treasurer, Tyler Whitney has again been the victim of lewd and harassing email by Andrew Shirvell

Explain how Mr Shrivell was allowed to use government computers for harassment and stalking purposes? In corporate America this isn't allowed....Why is it allowed at our governmental level? I don't believe it is. Mr Shirvell and Mike Cox just feel they are above the law.

Article copy (just incase the link disappears)

Fred Phelps works for AG Cox??
Posted on February 7, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized |
Michigan Log Cabin Republican Treasurer, Tyler Whitney has again been the victim of lewd and harassing email by Andrew Shirvell who Michigan Messenger reported works in the appellate division of Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox’s office.

You would think that the below emails were sent by militantly anti-gay Pastor of Westboro Baptist Church, Fred Phelps.

Be aware before you continue that the emails are very lewd and unbecoming of a government employee of his rank.
This first email is in response to the fake Log Cabin Republican email that went out last week whom we believe to have been sent out by a Kim Meltzer for State Senate operative. Below is Shirvell’s response to the email:

From: Andrew Shirvell <>
Date: Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Join Leon Drolet as He Leads Protest for Our Rights @ State Capital Tom
To: redacted, redacted, redacted

You all are sick freaks.  Absoluetly shameful, Leon.  Your e-mail is beyond offensive.  The grassroots will NEVER let you and your butt-buddies Tyler Whitney, Joe Sylvester, and James Justin(e) Wilson hijack our pro-life, pro-family party in pursuit of your PERVERTED radical homosexual agenda.
P.S. Justin(e), a persistant rumor in D.C. circles is that you and Illinois Log Cabin “Republican” Congress”man” Aaron Schock hooked-up together.  Sick.  Sick.  SICK!!!!!  Does your homosexual lover Steve know?  Freak.

The second email is a follow up to the first:

From: Andrew Shirvell <>
Date: Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Join Leon Drolet as He Leads Protest for Our Rights @ State Capital Tom
To: redacted, redacted, redacted

Miss Whitney: Shut the f—-up, f–.  Got it?  Good!

Also, for the record, what I do on my own time – during lunch or here at home – is my business.  Stop trying to intimidate me and block my 1st Amendment right to speak out against your group’s wickedly insane agenda.  You might remember a certain member of your group – Jason Vorva – sent out a disgusting hit piece about AG Cox last fall.  So, if I were you or Justin(e), I’d shut the f—-up and stop your whining.  I’m just so sick of your bull**** lies!!  Your non-stop persecution of Christians like me, AG Cox, Paul Scott, and Glenn Clark is disgusting.  Why are you even in the GOP?  You’re nothing but a couple of perverted, spoiled rich kids who’d rather d— around than man-up.

That’s it; I’m done wasting my time with you two vermin.

Andrew Shirvell, Esq.
“Never Underestimate the Motivation of a True Believer”
This email was Whitney’s response to Shirvell

From: Tyler D. Whitney <>
To: Andrew Shirvell <>
Cc: redacted; redacted
Sent: Wed, February 3, 2010 12:52:08 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Join Leon Drolet as He Leads Protest for Our Rights @ State Capital Tom
Andrew,Are you deranged enough to actually think that was sent out with Leon’s consent by the actual LCRs?While we’ve never met, I always appreciate our exchanges.  At least you don’t hide behind a fake address like Glenn Clark.
Fred Phelps or a senior member of the Michigan Government in the AGs office, you decide?

Ellen DeGeneres her Emotional Plea: Stop Teenage Bullying (VIDEO)

"Ellen DeGeneres said she is "devastated" over the death of Rutgers student Tyler Clementi, who killed himself after he was outed as gay over the internet.
DeGeneres made an emotional plea Thursday to stop teenage bullying following a series of teens committing suicide after having been teased or bullied:

"Something must be done," she said. "This needs to be a wake-up call to everyone: teenage bullying and teasing is an epidemic in this country, and the death rate is climbing. One life lost in this senseless way is tragic. Four lives lost is a crisis. And these are just the stories we hear about. How many other teens have we lost? How many others are suffering in silence? Being a teenager and figuring out who you are is hard enough without someone attacking you."

Ellen said that her "heart is breaking for their families, their friends and for a society that continues to let this happen."

She added, "These kids needed us. We have an obligation to change this. There are messages everywhere that validate this kind of bullying and taunting and we have to make it stop. We can't let intolerance and ignorance take another kid's life." ..."


Cox: Defend Traditional Marriage

Hmmm ... sheds some light on why he's so slooooooooooow to act on gay basher Andy Shirvell doesn't it.

Cox: Defend Traditional Marriage
Contact:  John Sellek or Joy Yearout 517-373-8060

September 27,  2010
            LANSING - Attorney General Mike Cox today announced that Michigan has joined Indiana, Virginia and Louisiana before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to challenge a district court ruling that overturned California's marriage amendment defining marriage as the union between one man and one woman.  The amicus brief filed today in the case Perry v. Schwarzenegger supports an appeal in defense of the California marriage law.  Michigan was one of four lead states to participate in the drafting of the amicus brief.
 "Traditional marriage between one man and one woman is a foundational institution of our society, and the federal government and judicial activists should not interfere with the states' protection of marriage," said Cox.  "The recent decision to overturn California's marriage amendment threatens marriage laws in Michigan and forty-four other states, and it should be reversed."
On August 4, 2010, U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker issued a ruling that overturned California's Proposition 8, a state Constitutional amendment that defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.  On August 17, 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a stay of the ruling, pending review of the decision on appeal.  The appeal is scheduled to be heard by a panel of three judges from Ninth Circuit the week of December 6, 2010.
Cox's office drafted the states' brief in support of the appeal in cooperation with Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell.  The brief argues what the U.S. Supreme Court has long recognized -- that states have a sovereign right to regulate the institution of marriage, and the federal government cannot impose itself upon that realm.  The states also argue that the democratic choice to support traditional marriage made by citizens in 45 states should be respected and preserved.  Michigan's own Marriage Protection Amendment was approved by 58.6% of voters in 2004. 
Attorney General Cox defended the Marriage Protection Amendment by issuing an Attorney General Opinion in 2005 that public employers could not provide benefits to same-sex domestic partnerships on the basis of the existence of a union similar to marriage.  Cox intervened and successfully defended this view in the National Pride v. Granholm case before the Michigan Supreme Court. 
Including Michigan, there are thirteen states currently signed on to the brief defending state marriage laws before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.  Indiana, Virginia, Michigan, and Louisiana drafted the brief, with Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Idaho, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah and Wyoming signing on. Click here to see a copy of the brief.  

 Equal right for all citizens.

Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on the Recent Deaths of Two Young Men (Mentions Chris Armstrong)

"U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today released the following statement:

"This week, we sadly lost two young men who took their own lives for one unacceptable reason: they were being bullied and harassed because they were openly gay or believed to be gay. These unnecessary tragedies come on the heels of at least three other young people taking their own lives because the trauma of being bullied and harassed for their actual or perceived sexual orientation was too much to bear.

"This is a moment where every one of us - parents, teachers, students, elected officials, and all people of conscience - needs to stand up and speak out against intolerance in all its forms. Whether it's students harassing other students because of ethnicity, disability or religion; or an adult, public official harassing the President of the University of Michigan student body because he is gay, it is time we as a country said enough. No more. This must stop."

Source: Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan