Michigan Log Cabin Republican Treasurer, Tyler Whitney has again been the victim of lewd and harassing email by Andrew Shirvell
Explain how Mr Shrivell was allowed to use government computers for harassment and stalking purposes? In corporate America this isn't allowed....Why is it allowed at our governmental level? I don't believe it is. Mr Shirvell and Mike Cox just feel they are above the law.
Article copy (just incase the link disappears)
Fred Phelps works for AG Cox??

Michigan Log Cabin Republican Treasurer, Tyler Whitney has again been the victim of lewd and harassing email by Andrew Shirvell who Michigan Messenger reported
works in the appellate division of Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox’s office.
You would think that the below emails were sent by militantly anti-gay Pastor of Westboro Baptist Church, Fred Phelps.
Be aware before you continue that the emails are very lewd and unbecoming of a government employee of his rank.
This first email is in response to the fake Log Cabin Republican email that went out last week whom we believe to have been sent out by a Kim Meltzer for State Senate operative. Below is Shirvell’s response to the email:
From: Andrew Shirvell <shirvell@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Join Leon Drolet as He Leads Protest for Our Rights @ State Capital Tom
To: redacted, redacted, redacted
You all are sick freaks. Absoluetly shameful, Leon. Your e-mail is beyond offensive. The grassroots will NEVER let you and your butt-buddies Tyler Whitney, Joe Sylvester, and James Justin(e) Wilson hijack our pro-life, pro-family party in pursuit of your PERVERTED radical homosexual agenda.
P.S. Justin(e), a persistant rumor in D.C. circles is that you and Illinois Log Cabin “Republican” Congress”man” Aaron Schock hooked-up together. Sick. Sick. SICK!!!!! Does your homosexual lover Steve know? Freak.
The second email is a follow up to the first:
From: Andrew Shirvell <shirvell@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Join Leon Drolet as He Leads Protest for Our Rights @ State Capital Tom
To: redacted, redacted, redacted
Miss Whitney: Shut the f—-up, f–. Got it? Good!
Also, for the record, what I do on my own time – during lunch or here at home – is my business. Stop trying to intimidate me and block my 1st Amendment right to speak out against your group’s wickedly insane agenda. You might remember a certain member of your group – Jason Vorva – sent out a disgusting hit piece about AG Cox last fall. So, if I were you or Justin(e), I’d shut the f—-up and stop your whining. I’m just so sick of your bull**** lies!! Your non-stop persecution of Christians like me, AG Cox, Paul Scott, and Glenn Clark is disgusting. Why are you even in the GOP? You’re nothing but a couple of perverted, spoiled rich kids who’d rather d— around than man-up.
That’s it; I’m done wasting my time with you two vermin.
Andrew Shirvell, Esq.
“Never Underestimate the Motivation of a True Believer”
This email was Whitney’s response to Shirvell
Subject: Re: Fwd: Join Leon Drolet as He Leads Protest for Our Rights @ State Capital Tom
Andrew,Are you deranged enough to actually think that was sent out with Leon’s consent by the actual LCRs?While we’ve never met, I always appreciate our exchanges. At least you don’t hide behind a fake address like Glenn Clark. Hugs,
Fred Phelps or a senior member of the Michigan Government in the AGs office, you decide?