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Chris Armstrong Watch
Thursday, September 23, 2010
WXYZ-Channel 7’s ‘Investigative Producer’ Ross Jones & His Pro-Armstrong Bias: Portrait of an UNETHICAL ‘Reporter’ at Work
As predicted on this watch site at the very beginning of this month, the University of Michigan's first openly "gay" student body president, Chris Armstrong, and his supporters have embarked on an unprecedented propaganda campaign in support of their radical homosexual agenda now that the new school year has begun. See:
Over the past week-and-a-half, this campaign has, in fact, included all sorts of misinformation and outright lies, including fairy tales about how Chris and his puppets on the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) are "victims of homophobia."
While this was predictable, what was not as predictable was the depth to which the media elites have sought to cover-up Armstrong's wrong-doing and paint the oppressor (Armstrong) as the oppressed.
Since September 14, 2010, there has been a series of vituperative hit pieces attacking this watch site, and this Concerned Michigan Alumnus in particular, which have emanated from U of M's rag-of-a-student-"newspaper" known as the Michigan Daily. At the same time, an absolutely OUTRAGEOUS and MISLEADING "report" from Detroit WXYZ-Channel 7 "investigative producer" Ross Jones (pictured above) aired on television and via the world wide web, in which Jones viciously mischaracterized the purpose of this watch site. (This watch site will not dignify this absolute garbage by linking to these items, which are all pro-Armstrong, anti-Christian propaganda pieces that would have undoubtedly made Joseph Goebbels proud).
As this Concerned Michigan Alumnus is about to reveal, this mid-September pro-Armstrong media frenzy was well-coordinated and resulted from a hidden agenda on the part of WXYZ's Ross Jones, his older brother Adam Jones, and their younger brother Tyler Jones, an "opinion columnist" with the Michigan Daily.
Ross Jones is a 25-year-old "investigative producer" with Detroit WXYZ-Channel 7 news. He is specifically assigned to the news' "investigators" section and works mainly "behind the scenes." That is, up until last Wednesday, September 15, 2010, when Ross made a rare, if not first, appearance on camera during the 11 o'clock news with an extraordinarily vicious hit piece attacking this pro-family and pro-Christian watch site.
Predictably, Armstrong and his fellow radical homosexual activists have milked the "report" for their own ends and have greatly magnified the reach of Ross' hit piece by spreading it all over the homosexual and liberal blogosphere, giving Ross the fame and credit he desperately craves as an otherwise off-camera, behind-the-scenes lackey "producer" at WXYZ.
And, that was no accident. In fact, it was by design.
Before he interviewed this Concerned Michigan Alumnus, Ross Jones represented that "someone" had passed along this watch site's address to him and had brought it to his attention a couple of weeks before the August Michigan gubernatorial primary. However, Ross failed to inform me that this "someone" was his older brother, Adam Jones, who harbors a 5-year-long bitter personal grudge against a certain former employer, as one can see from just this small sampling of Facebook (FB) postings below:
Over the past week-and-a-half, this campaign has, in fact, included all sorts of misinformation and outright lies, including fairy tales about how Chris and his puppets on the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) are "victims of homophobia."
While this was predictable, what was not as predictable was the depth to which the media elites have sought to cover-up Armstrong's wrong-doing and paint the oppressor (Armstrong) as the oppressed.
Since September 14, 2010, there has been a series of vituperative hit pieces attacking this watch site, and this Concerned Michigan Alumnus in particular, which have emanated from U of M's rag-of-a-student-"newspaper" known as the Michigan Daily. At the same time, an absolutely OUTRAGEOUS and MISLEADING "report" from Detroit WXYZ-Channel 7 "investigative producer" Ross Jones (pictured above) aired on television and via the world wide web, in which Jones viciously mischaracterized the purpose of this watch site. (This watch site will not dignify this absolute garbage by linking to these items, which are all pro-Armstrong, anti-Christian propaganda pieces that would have undoubtedly made Joseph Goebbels proud).
As this Concerned Michigan Alumnus is about to reveal, this mid-September pro-Armstrong media frenzy was well-coordinated and resulted from a hidden agenda on the part of WXYZ's Ross Jones, his older brother Adam Jones, and their younger brother Tyler Jones, an "opinion columnist" with the Michigan Daily.
Ross Jones is a 25-year-old "investigative producer" with Detroit WXYZ-Channel 7 news. He is specifically assigned to the news' "investigators" section and works mainly "behind the scenes." That is, up until last Wednesday, September 15, 2010, when Ross made a rare, if not first, appearance on camera during the 11 o'clock news with an extraordinarily vicious hit piece attacking this pro-family and pro-Christian watch site.
Predictably, Armstrong and his fellow radical homosexual activists have milked the "report" for their own ends and have greatly magnified the reach of Ross' hit piece by spreading it all over the homosexual and liberal blogosphere, giving Ross the fame and credit he desperately craves as an otherwise off-camera, behind-the-scenes lackey "producer" at WXYZ.
And, that was no accident. In fact, it was by design.
Before he interviewed this Concerned Michigan Alumnus, Ross Jones represented that "someone" had passed along this watch site's address to him and had brought it to his attention a couple of weeks before the August Michigan gubernatorial primary. However, Ross failed to inform me that this "someone" was his older brother, Adam Jones, who harbors a 5-year-long bitter personal grudge against a certain former employer, as one can see from just this small sampling of Facebook (FB) postings below:
The last FB post from Adam Jones is particularly revealing, since the post card in question was mailed out by radical homosexual activist, and Michigan Log Cabin "Republican," Jason Vorva. It seems that Adam Jones has no problem when radical homosexual activists VICIOUSLY attack those he strongly dislikes (to put it mildly). In fact, Adam thought Vorva's disgusting tactic was funny.
But when Adam saw this site fighting back against the radical homosexual agenda of MSA President Chris Armstrong, and discovered the identity of this Concerned Michigan Alumnus, Adam ran crying to younger brother Ross about it in an effort to take his 5-YEAR-OLD personal grudge to a whole new level. What a hypocrite. And, Adam is actually a hypocrite on so many levels . . . but I digress (for now).
Adam, pictured to the right with his thumbs up thoroughly enjoying a recent ride on an elephant with a "friend," is so vindictive in fact that as a "joke" he utilized a mug shot of former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick as his FB profile pic from May through August of this year - during the height of the Michigan gubernatorial primary campaign. Oh, and did I mention that Adam does not even live in Michigan anymore?! In fact, he has resided in or around Washington, D.C. for the past couple of years. Talk about obsession? Look in the mirror, Adam. Or, in this case, look at your own FB wall over the last several years. What a truly sad and pathetic person Adam is.
But let's get back to Ross Jones. Ross' failure to disclose his familial relationship with Adam Jones was BLATANTLY UNETHICAL - and deliberate. In fact, Ross specifically said to me that he had "no dogs in this fight" either way. Oh, really, Ross? You, sir, like Chris Armstrong, are a LIAR. Undoubtedly, Ross Jones pursued this "story" and shaped it the way he did at the urging of his older brother Adam.
As if Ross relying on his bitter older brother for a "juicy" story that he could twist in all sorts of perverted ways was not bad enough, he then decided to get his little brother Tyler, a U of M sophomore and an "opinion columnist" for the Michigan Daily, in on the act as well. In order to make sure that the story had "legs" so that he could sell it to his bosses at WXYZ and finally get his lying face before the cameras - in prime time, Ross had his kid brother Tyler get the Daily to "investigate" this watch site as well.
Just a mere two days after conducting an interview with Ross, this Concerned Michigan Alumnus was contacted by a Michigan Daily reporter who stated in a FB e-mail, "We were interested in asking you a few questions about your very outspoken opinion of current MSA President Chris Armstrong, which has received an increasing amount of media attention." Um what?

Just a mere two days after conducting an interview with Ross, this Concerned Michigan Alumnus was contacted by a Michigan Daily reporter who stated in a FB e-mail, "We were interested in asking you a few questions about your very outspoken opinion of current MSA President Chris Armstrong, which has received an increasing amount of media attention." Um what?
It's obvious that Ross Jones had leaked his WXYZ "investigation" to Tyler in order to build interest in his upcoming "break-out story." In fact, Tyler was so eager to please older brother Ross, who he apparently over-idolizes, that he let another Daily reporter know about the upcoming WXYZ "story" and she made contact with me as well - and was totally unaware that Tyler had already let the first Daily reporter in on his "secret" information.
Although it took a couple of weeks, Ross Jones' plan came to fruition on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 when the Michigan Daily ran a front-cover story (almost entirely negative) about this pro-family, pro-Christian watch site. Ross had what he needed and then, surprise, surprise, one day later Ross' malicious, disgusting piece-of-garbage "investigation" ran on WXYZ during the 11 o'clock news. Of course, by this time the Daily editorial board, egged on by Tyler no doubt, was fully on board with condemning this watch site and produced a series of quite frankly ridiculous pro-Armstrong, pro-radical homosexual articles/editorials/columns.
In fact, Tyler was so excited about Ross' "special report" that he posted a link to it not once - but twice - on his FB profile wall and commented as follows: "Watch Channel 7 tonight. My brother is reporting; You saw it first on 7; That was my brother who did the story!"
In fact, Tyler was so excited about Ross' "special report" that he posted a link to it not once - but twice - on his FB profile wall and commented as follows: "Watch Channel 7 tonight. My brother is reporting; You saw it first on 7; That was my brother who did the story!"
Given all these well-documented ties and well-timed pro-Armstrong propaganda "media" pieces, one has to wonder if Adam Jones went so far as to let Chris Armstrong in on the charade as well? Regardless, one thing is crystal clear: Ross Jones is an unethical, slime-ball reporter desperately trying to masquerade as a legitimate journalist. He's the one who is BIASED. WXYZ should investigate the "investigator," if it plans on regaining any credibility whatsoever with the silent majority who support me and this watch site.
And, to all my vicious, anti-Christian detractors out there, including the Jones brothers and Armstrong's other crazed supporters, I have a message for you all: this watch site is here to stay. Get use to it.
I have done NOTHING immoral OR illegal. Sadly, the same cannot be said for Armstrong and his fellow radical homosexual activists and "allies." As Isaiah rightly prophesied: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness . . ." (5:20).
This Concerned Michigan Alumnus would rather go homeless and sleep on the street than give-up my First Amendment rights to freedom of expression and religion.
"Never Underestimate the Motivation of a True Believer." Got it? Good!
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 7:30 PM
Labels: Adam Jones, Channel 7, Chris Armstrong, first "gay" president, Jason Vorva, Michigan Daily, Michigan Student Assembly, Ross Jones, Tyler Jones, unethical reporter, WXYZ
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Arrogance on Display: Armstrong & Fellow ‘Gay’ Activists Repeatedly Show TOTAL Disrespect for Law Enforcement
Last week, this watch site reported that the Ann Arbor Police Department raided the so-called "gay rush" party that took place at the home of Chris Armstrong, a viciously militant homosexual activist who is (currently) the president of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA). As it turns out, however, this was not the first time that Armstrong and his fellow radical homosexual activists have been in trouble with law enforcement.
As pictured above, during the spring MSA election campaign last March, 2010, a ticked-off officer from the University of Michigan's Department of Public Safety (DPS) approached Armstrong on the central campus DIAG. Armstrong and his fellow radical homosexual activists, who all ran together under the M-Forward "political party," were apparently so out-of-control in their non-stop harassment of students that DPS had to be called.
As one can see from the picture above, arrogant Armstrong is acting extremely rude to the DPS officer while Armstrong's chief lieutenant on MSA, anti-Christian bigot John Oltean, wildly smiles for the camera. It is unsurprising that Armstrong, who comes from a very wealthy and privileged family background, would act in such a very disrespectful matter, especially towards an African-American officer.
Not only is Armstrong used to getting what he wants when he wants it, but he thinks so poorly of minority students at U of M that he openly lied to them during his MSA presidential campaign when he stated publicly that he would never join a very controversial secret student society at U of M known as Order of Angell, which has a well-documented history of racism and elitism. To this very day, Armstrong has refused to explain why he LIED after the Michigan Daily revealed last April that one of the first things Armstrong did upon becoming MSA president was to join Order of Angell. Minority students on campus have since called for Armstrong's resignation. See:
As pictured above, during the spring MSA election campaign last March, 2010, a ticked-off officer from the University of Michigan's Department of Public Safety (DPS) approached Armstrong on the central campus DIAG. Armstrong and his fellow radical homosexual activists, who all ran together under the M-Forward "political party," were apparently so out-of-control in their non-stop harassment of students that DPS had to be called.
As one can see from the picture above, arrogant Armstrong is acting extremely rude to the DPS officer while Armstrong's chief lieutenant on MSA, anti-Christian bigot John Oltean, wildly smiles for the camera. It is unsurprising that Armstrong, who comes from a very wealthy and privileged family background, would act in such a very disrespectful matter, especially towards an African-American officer.
Not only is Armstrong used to getting what he wants when he wants it, but he thinks so poorly of minority students at U of M that he openly lied to them during his MSA presidential campaign when he stated publicly that he would never join a very controversial secret student society at U of M known as Order of Angell, which has a well-documented history of racism and elitism. To this very day, Armstrong has refused to explain why he LIED after the Michigan Daily revealed last April that one of the first things Armstrong did upon becoming MSA president was to join Order of Angell. Minority students on campus have since called for Armstrong's resignation. See:
But there's more.
The FB screenshot above shows two of Armstrong's affluent spring break "buddies," Dana Cronyn (Sinnott) and fellow radical homosexual activist Nathaniel Eli Coats Styer, commenting on the photo, which was uploaded to Facebook (FB) by Armstrong's lesbian activist friend, Stephanie Parrish. Both Dana and Nathaniel went on an EXTRAVAGANT vacation to Puerto Rico with Armstrong and other wealthy "gays" from U of M during spring break, 2010. In their comments, both Dana and Nathaniel show their total disrespect for law enforcement, as does anti-Christian zealot John Oltean, who chimes in, "hahaha. walking the fine line. love it."
And that's not all.
In this second photo taken by Parrish and uploaded to FB, other members of M-Forward continue to mock the African-American DPS officer. Incredibly, MSA Rep. Chris Dietzel, who is one of several representatives from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA), actually accuses the officer of sexual harassment. Current MSA Vice-President Jason Raymond (Armstrong's "secret" boyfriend - see: then continues the public ridicule of the officer, followed by MSA Rep. Zainub Naqvi (another rep. from LSA) and MSA Treasurer Ambreen Sayed.
The absolute lack of respect for law enforcement by Armstrong and these other so-called student leaders at U of M is appalling.
And, that's why it's even more disgusting that Armstrong and his fellow radical homosexual activists have recently wasted law enforcement's valuable time all because they have a hard time grasping the fact that First Amendment rights actually apply to every citizen in this country - and not just them. Specifically, this past Labor Day, Armstrong and his fellow radical homosexual housemates at 306 E. Madison St. called the Ann Arbor police after a demonstration in opposition to Armstrong's racism began on a public sidewalk in front of the residence. As noted on this watch site before, Armstrong's first reaction is - and always will be - to quash any and all dissent by any means possible.
However, the Ann Arbor police would have none of Armstrong's nonsense. Having just raided Armstrong's out-of-control "gay rush" party less than 36 hours before, the Ann Arbor police refused to be used as the vehicle by which Armstrong would persecute his opposition. Although Armstrong could be heard whining about "radical Christians" out to get him, the Ann Arbor police told him to stop crying and that he had to respect the opposition's First Amendment right to protest outside of his house. The demonstration, which included prayer, then resumed.
Armstrong next called DPS, even though Armstrong's residence was off campus and not within their jurisdiction. One can only imagine what story Armstrong concocted in order to get DPS to arrive, but nevertheless two DPS officers did come to the house. Armstrong and fellow housemate MSA Chief-of-Staff Alex Serwer (a.k.a. Armstrong's personal footstool) then were escorted from their house into a waiting DPS car and whisked away. The demonstration, however, continued outside the residence.
While just six months ago Armstrong and his fellow radical homosexual activists both on and off MSA were mocking an African-American DPS officer, now they apparently wanted DPS officers to act as not only their personal protection service, but as their chauffeurs as well! And, in the end it was all for naught, as DPS - like the Ann Arbor police - told an obviously emotionally hysterical Armstrong that he needed to basically grow-up. As much as Armstrong would like it to be, Ann Arbor isn't a police state like Nazi Germany where opposition protesters can be summarily detained for disagreeing with the ruling homosexual student government regime. Later that day, the opposition protest moved from outside of Armstrong's residence to the U of M campus - with the blessing of DPS.
Armstrong, his fellow radical homosexual activists, and his "allies" have repeatedly shown a total disrespect for the brave men and women - working class, everyday people - who make-up Ann Arbor's law enforcement community. These individuals willingly put themselves in real danger every day and Armstrong and his cronies think nothing of 1) routinely breaking the law, 2) mocking these officers on FB for entertainment, 3) wasting officers' time by crying wolf, and 4) demanding that the officers act as their personal lackeys. This is beyond outrageous; it's just plain sick.
U of M Christian students, in particular, should be alarmed at the fact that radical MSA Rep. John Oltean, Armstrong's right-hand man, believes that he is above the law. As previously reported on this watch site, anti-Christian bigot John Oltean foams at the mouth with hatred for his Creator, Christian believers, and the unborn and will do whatever it takes to ram Armstrong's radical homosexual agenda down the throats of everyday students. See:
In fact, John Oltean's younger brother, David, who is currently a student at Central Michigan University, outright foams at the mouth with hatred for law enforcement and flagrantly breaks the law.
In the above FB screenshot, 20-year-old David updates his status this past September 2nd in order to tell the Mount Pleasant police to "go to hell" apparently because he received a Minor In Possession (MIP) for underage drinking.
And it gets even worse.
And it gets even worse.
In the above FB screenshot, David updates his status six months ago, on March 12, 2010, in order to "celebrate" the fact that he is officially 19 and 1/2 years old. Shockingly, his own mother, the wealthy and well-connected Patricia Oltean, wishes him a happy half-birthday and then opines, "still another year and a half to go to throw away your fake ID!" How disgusting - John and David Oltean's own mother celebrates her son's lawbreaking and posts her contempt for the law right on FB!
Sources familiar with the Olteans describe Patricia Oltean's relationship with her sons as "bizarre" and "weird." The next FB screenshot perfectly illustrates this point.
Sources familiar with the Olteans describe Patricia Oltean's relationship with her sons as "bizarre" and "weird." The next FB screenshot perfectly illustrates this point.
On January 22, 2010, Patricia took her then-19-year-old son David gambling at the Soaring Eagle Casino, which is operated by the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe near Mount Pleasant. Now, the legal age to gamble at Soaring Eagle is, in fact, 18; so, this time, "Patti" and her son David were not breaking any laws. But look closely at David's FB status in which he calls his mother by her first name. Moreover, what mother with good judgment takes her teenage son gambling on a Friday night? I guess the answer is the same type of mother who obviously condones her underage son's possession of an illegal fake ID! It's no wonder that John and David Oltean are as screwed-up as they are: their wealthy mother is more interested in being their friend than being the parent they desperately need.
As if that weren't enough, David, like his older brother John, has some other "issues" as well. Most notably, David harbors some racist resentments against Native Americans and African Americans.
As if that weren't enough, David, like his older brother John, has some other "issues" as well. Most notably, David harbors some racist resentments against Native Americans and African Americans.
A mere two days before David and his mother hit-up a Native-American owned-and-operated casino in order to make some money, David was complaining on FB about the fact that he had to learn something about their heritage. This is shameful, especially in light of the fact that the racist secret student society that Chris Armstrong belongs to (Order of Angell) has come under such condemnation specifically because it mocks and trivializes Native American culture. It seems that in the wealthy and privileged country-club-like society from which Chris Armstrong and John and David Oltean come from Native Americans and other racial minorities are to be mocked and treated like dirt under their shoes.
And, here's another example.
And, here's another example.
David's March 20, 2010 FB status references the St. Mary's versus Villanova game that took place during the annual NCAA basketball tournament this year. The white-dominated St. Mary's team upset the African-American-dominated Villanova team during the second round of the tournament. David appears to be very happy about the fact that St. Mary's won because "all of their players are nerdy looking white guys." Reading between the lines, one of David's friends then comments on David's FB status in order to celebrate "White Power."
Hmm . . . is it any wonder why David's brother, John Oltean, mocked the African-American DPS officer who approached Chris Armstrong on the DIAG last March? Me thinks not, given the same screwed-up world-view that the Oltean brothers share.
Finally, it seems that David Oltean and his brother's "boss man," Chris Armstrong, may even have another thing in common as well.
Hmm . . . is it any wonder why David's brother, John Oltean, mocked the African-American DPS officer who approached Chris Armstrong on the DIAG last March? Me thinks not, given the same screwed-up world-view that the Oltean brothers share.
Finally, it seems that David Oltean and his brother's "boss man," Chris Armstrong, may even have another thing in common as well.
Enough said.
It's time for Chris Armstrong and his crew of privileged, disrespectful, law-breaking, racist, anti-Christian, radical homosexual fanatics and "allies" to disassociate themselves from U of M's student government. Period.
It's time for Chris Armstrong and his crew of privileged, disrespectful, law-breaking, racist, anti-Christian, radical homosexual fanatics and "allies" to disassociate themselves from U of M's student government. Period.
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 2:00 PM
Labels: Ann Arbor Police, Arrogant, Chris Armstrong, David Oltean, DPS, first "gay" president, Jason Raymond, John Oltean, Michigan Student Assembly, Patricia Oltean, Privileged
Sunday, September 5, 2010
In a STUNNING turn of events, the Ann Arbor Police Department raided the so-called "gay rush" party that took place this weekend at the home of Chris Armstrong, the first openly homosexual president of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA). This watch site has obtained EXCLUSIVE photos and video of this raid.
At 1:30 a.m. this morning, police descended on 306 E. Madison St. At the time of their arrival, an out-of-control crowd of drunken homosexual "party-goers" were amassed all over the residence's front and back lawns, freely walking around with open containers of alcohol while loud music blared from inside the house. Earlier in the evening, several party attendees were seen urinating outside.
It took 10-to-15 minutes for the police to break-up the crowd and end Armstrong's "GAE Rush: Welcome Week Party." As reported EXCLUSIVELY on this watch site in the immediately preceding post, the aim of this "party" was to liquor-up underage freshmen and promote homosexual activity in an effort to recruit them to the homosexual lifestyle.
It is not clear whether the police issued Minor In Possession (MIP) citations, but what is known is that booze freely flowed to all who wanted it, as none of the party "hosts," including Armstrong, were checking identifications. And, apparently, even high school students were admitted with no questions asked.
The Ann Arbor police officers on the scene went-up to the residence's entrance and apparently inquired as to who lived there. Armstrong cowardly remained inside and sent out his personal footstool (and housemate), Alex Serwer. Fresh off a three-week European vacation, MSA Business Representative Serwer, pictured above with police, was asked to produce identification, which he eventually complied with only after he went back inside the house to find it.
Although MSA President Armstrong turned 21-years-old this past August 24th, he has a well-documented history of engaging in - and promoting - underage binge-drinking. See:
But even more disgusting than Armstrong's recklessness in hosting this weekend's out-of-control homosexual recruitment "party" at his residence is the fact that Armstrong had the IMPUDENCE to send an e-mail, along with University of Michigan administrators, to the student body lecturing his constituents when it comes to hosting parties on U of M football Saturdays!
As reported previously on this watch site, Armstrong's e-mail warned students not to allow party attendees to walk around with open containers of alcohol and not to play loud music late at night. Apparently, Armstrong and his housemates felt those rules were just for other students - and did not apply to their own "gay rush" party. What hypocrites!
Moreover, Armstrong's e-mail explicitly warned fellow students that "law enforcement agencies will respond swiftly to any dangerous or illegal behavior within the Stadium and surrounding areas." If that's true, then it's no wonder why the Ann Arbor police ended-up on Chris' door-step early this morning: he and his housemates were either condoning, participating in, or involved with dangerous or illegal behavior. SHAME on Armstrong for willfully disregarding his own unsolicited advice.
This latest SCANDAL has destroyed what little credibility that Armstrong had left after a summer in which scandal after scandal was revealed via this watch site. This Concerned Michigan Alumnus would advise students to not even bother reading any future e-mails from Armstrong or one of his MSA patsies. Just delete such messages unread.
Armstrong believes himself to be not only superior to many others on so many levels (such as race, class, and sexual preference), but deems himself to be above the law, too. It is time for students, alumni, and other interested parties to rise-up and demand that Chris Armstrong relinquish the presidency of the student government. Armstrong is not fit to hold office. He needs to RESIGN NOW.
It took 10-to-15 minutes for the police to break-up the crowd and end Armstrong's "GAE Rush: Welcome Week Party." As reported EXCLUSIVELY on this watch site in the immediately preceding post, the aim of this "party" was to liquor-up underage freshmen and promote homosexual activity in an effort to recruit them to the homosexual lifestyle.
It is not clear whether the police issued Minor In Possession (MIP) citations, but what is known is that booze freely flowed to all who wanted it, as none of the party "hosts," including Armstrong, were checking identifications. And, apparently, even high school students were admitted with no questions asked.
The Ann Arbor police officers on the scene went-up to the residence's entrance and apparently inquired as to who lived there. Armstrong cowardly remained inside and sent out his personal footstool (and housemate), Alex Serwer. Fresh off a three-week European vacation, MSA Business Representative Serwer, pictured above with police, was asked to produce identification, which he eventually complied with only after he went back inside the house to find it.
Although MSA President Armstrong turned 21-years-old this past August 24th, he has a well-documented history of engaging in - and promoting - underage binge-drinking. See:
But even more disgusting than Armstrong's recklessness in hosting this weekend's out-of-control homosexual recruitment "party" at his residence is the fact that Armstrong had the IMPUDENCE to send an e-mail, along with University of Michigan administrators, to the student body lecturing his constituents when it comes to hosting parties on U of M football Saturdays!
As reported previously on this watch site, Armstrong's e-mail warned students not to allow party attendees to walk around with open containers of alcohol and not to play loud music late at night. Apparently, Armstrong and his housemates felt those rules were just for other students - and did not apply to their own "gay rush" party. What hypocrites!
Moreover, Armstrong's e-mail explicitly warned fellow students that "law enforcement agencies will respond swiftly to any dangerous or illegal behavior within the Stadium and surrounding areas." If that's true, then it's no wonder why the Ann Arbor police ended-up on Chris' door-step early this morning: he and his housemates were either condoning, participating in, or involved with dangerous or illegal behavior. SHAME on Armstrong for willfully disregarding his own unsolicited advice.
This latest SCANDAL has destroyed what little credibility that Armstrong had left after a summer in which scandal after scandal was revealed via this watch site. This Concerned Michigan Alumnus would advise students to not even bother reading any future e-mails from Armstrong or one of his MSA patsies. Just delete such messages unread.
Armstrong believes himself to be not only superior to many others on so many levels (such as race, class, and sexual preference), but deems himself to be above the law, too. It is time for students, alumni, and other interested parties to rise-up and demand that Chris Armstrong relinquish the presidency of the student government. Armstrong is not fit to hold office. He needs to RESIGN NOW.
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 2:00 PM
Labels: Alex Serwer, Ann Arbor Police, Arrogant, Chris Armstrong, first "gay" president, Gay Orgy, Michigan Student Assembly, Underage Binge-Drinking
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Parents of University of Michigan freshmen beware: the University's first openly "gay" student body president, Chris Armstrong, is actively recruiting your sons and daughters to join the homosexual "lifestyle."
At this past Thursday's "New Student Convocation" at Crisler Arena, Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) President Chris Armstrong told thousands of incoming freshmen "to open up to themselves and others by being true to who they really are," as reported by the Michigan Daily. See:
In other words, Chris was basically screaming at them to "come out of the closet" and join him in the cult that is homosexuality.
In fact, true to form, Armstrong went on to advise students to be entirely self-absorbed and seek self-gratification at all costs:
At this past Thursday's "New Student Convocation" at Crisler Arena, Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) President Chris Armstrong told thousands of incoming freshmen "to open up to themselves and others by being true to who they really are," as reported by the Michigan Daily. See:
In other words, Chris was basically screaming at them to "come out of the closet" and join him in the cult that is homosexuality.
In fact, true to form, Armstrong went on to advise students to be entirely self-absorbed and seek self-gratification at all costs:
Your time here in Ann Arbor is as much about your own self-discovery as it is about your career.
It is clear that Armstrong's remarks constituted nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to cause sexually confused, and perhaps some impressionable, 17-and-18-year-olds to experiment sexually with members of their own gender.
Although Armstrong made his recruitment pitch with a "wink and a nod" on Thursday evening, he and his fellow radical homosexual activists have been planning a much more EXPLICIT recruitment effort for tonight, September 4, 2010, following the U of M football team's home-opener.
As depicted in the Facebook (FB) screenshot above, the public event, "GAE Rush: Welcome Week Party," was created by Jacob Presser-Taylor, Ron Ketelhut, Leah Goldmann, Rachel McLoughlin, Evan Nichols, Matt Hillyer, and Alex Serwer - all of whom share a house with Armstrong.
It seems that the aim of this "party" is to liquor-up underage freshmen and promote homosexual activity. In fact, the event's title is meant to purposely mislead freshmen. First of all, there is no such fraternity/sorority at U of M or anywhere else called GAE (Gamma Alpha Epsilon). Nonetheless, the "brothers and sisters" of "GAE" encourage freshmen to stop-by for a "RUSH party like no other: plenty of sloppy bbq, keg standing, chest bumping, and grunting." Armstrong's housemates then clarify that what they mean is that there will be "plenty of light hors d'oeuvres, Cosmo sipping, jump hugging, and squealing!"
As first reported on this watch site back in June, one of the "party" hosts, Ron Ketelhut, an openly homosexual MSA Representative and prospective high school teacher, bragged on FB that he could not wait to engage in casual sexual encounters with Chris Armstrong at their house this fall. See: And, pictured above in the second FB screenshot, is a then-underage drunken Ron with his pants down during another such "rush" party for gay freshmen back in 2007.
Another of the party hosts, Alex Serwer, is also a so-called student leader. Serwer represents the business school in MSA and Chris Armstrong recently appointed him as his MSA "chief of staff," a.k.a. chief lackey. Serwer is openly homosexual and has been rumored to also be carrying on sexual relations - from time to time - with MSA Vice-President Jason Raymond.
Tonight's party is also being hosted by openly homosexual student activist Evan Nichols, an avowed anti-Christian bigot who was recently caught mocking God and the authority of the Bible (along with another of Armstrong's good friends, MSA Rep. John Oltean). See:
Moreover, the usual suspects (a.k.a. Armstrong's chief supporters) have responded on FB that they plan to attend tonight's "Welcome Week Party," including openly lesbian MSA Rep. Allison Horky and Brad Bergeron (Brad attended a wild "gay" orgy party hosted by Armstrong in October 2009; see:
So why isn't Chris also listed as a host? Well, the truth is that Armstrong is also hosting tonight's homosexual recruitment party for freshmen, but it seems that he is trying to play hypocrite in chief as well.
As reported by the Michigan Daily, Armstrong and several University administrators sent out an e-mail earlier in the week to all students reminding them of what's expected of them during game day, especially when it comes to hosting parties:
Some of these recommendations include not walking around with open containers of alcohol, not playing loud music late at night or before dawn and preventing people from driving if they've been drinking.
Armstrong's e-mail further warns students that "law enforcement agencies will respond swiftly to any dangerous or illegal behavior within the Stadium and surrounding areas." The e-mail also states that violent and "offensive behavior" will not be tolerated.
Given the above e-mail, combined with Armstrong's already soiled reputation as an underage binge-drinker who hosts "gay" orgies, it is unsurprising that Armstrong would not want to be known publicly as a host of tonight's party. But make no mistake about it, the "rush party" tonight at 306 E. Madison St. was conceived by Armstrong and his dirty fingerprints are all over it. In fact, Armstrong, who has not utilized his Twitter account since last March, ominously tweeted this afternoon, "Get some and go blue." See: It remains to be seen, however, whether Armstrong will heed his own recommendations when it comes to hosting parties on game day . . . stay tuned.
In the meantime, every parent of a U of M freshman should earnestly pray that your child does not wind-up at Armstrong's "GAE Rush: Welcome Week Party" because, similar to his mentor, 1970s radical homosexual activist Harvey Milk, U of M's openly gay student body president will be telling your child, "My name is Chris Armstrong - and I'm here to recruit you."
Armstrong's e-mail further warns students that "law enforcement agencies will respond swiftly to any dangerous or illegal behavior within the Stadium and surrounding areas." The e-mail also states that violent and "offensive behavior" will not be tolerated.
Given the above e-mail, combined with Armstrong's already soiled reputation as an underage binge-drinker who hosts "gay" orgies, it is unsurprising that Armstrong would not want to be known publicly as a host of tonight's party. But make no mistake about it, the "rush party" tonight at 306 E. Madison St. was conceived by Armstrong and his dirty fingerprints are all over it. In fact, Armstrong, who has not utilized his Twitter account since last March, ominously tweeted this afternoon, "Get some and go blue." See: It remains to be seen, however, whether Armstrong will heed his own recommendations when it comes to hosting parties on game day . . . stay tuned.
In the meantime, every parent of a U of M freshman should earnestly pray that your child does not wind-up at Armstrong's "GAE Rush: Welcome Week Party" because, similar to his mentor, 1970s radical homosexual activist Harvey Milk, U of M's openly gay student body president will be telling your child, "My name is Chris Armstrong - and I'm here to recruit you."
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 3:30 PM
Labels: Alex Serwer, Allison Horky, Brad Bergeron, Chris Armstrong, Evan Nichols, first "gay" president, Jason Raymond, Michigan Student Assembly, Ron Ketelhut, Sexually Promiscuous, Underage Binge-Drinking
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Armstrong's upcoming campaign of deception should come as no surprise, however. As this watch site has documented over the past few months, Chris Armstrong is a pathological liar. See: &
And if events this past spring and summer are indicative of what's to come this fall when Armstrong is called out in public about his outright lies, then Christian, pro-life, and minority students on campus should be aware that they will be VIOLENTLY persecuted.
For this reason and at this point in time, this Concerned Michigan Alumnus has decided to share my personal testimony regarding the events of Friday, July 9, 2010 and Saturday morning, July 10th, which took place outside of Ann Arbor's infamous Necto nightclub.
Friday nights are so-called "Pride Nights" at Necto, which mean that the attendees are primarily homosexuals. I decided to peacefully exercise my First Amendment rights by witnessing to the attendees as they lined-up to gain entry to Necto throughout the very warm evening. The Ann Arbor police gave me the go-ahead and had no problem with me holding my sign, which is pictured above - only hours before it was ultimately destroyed by an out-of-control crowd of Armstrong supporters.
For over three hours, I successfully witnessed to many homosexuals and their "allies," many of whom did not know that Chris Armstrong had joined a racist student organization (Order of Angell) after lying to minority students' faces by telling them during his MSA presidential campaign that he would never join such an offensive group. However, I also encountered several Armstrong supporters, such as lesbian activists Mical DeGraaf and Maureen Kelly as well as Tommy Habratowski (Tommy H. had participated in Armstrong's October 2009 "gay" orgy party, see: It was clear that they were far from pleased that I was there exercising my First Amendment rights.
Armstrong was not in Ann Arbor that night, as he was still in Washington, D.C., "interning" with the office of U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. In fact, that night Armstrong was reportedly at a concert featuring the notorious anti-Catholic bigot, "Lady Gaga." Nonetheless, it appeared to me that several of Armstrong's supporters may have been in direct communication with Armstrong via their "smart phones."
Toward the end of the night (about 45-to-30 minutes prior to Necto's closing), a group of angry Armstrong supporters confronted me and began to get aggressive. At first they just glared, but then this almost entirely white crowd began to shout their support for Order of Angell, the racist student group that Armstrong recently - and enthusiastically - joined.
Although I could not possibly recognize all of the individuals in this crowd, I did see Brad Bergeron, who had also participated in Armstrong's October 2009 "gay" orgy party and who had bragged on Facebook that he had "so much sex that night." See: When I audibly identified him as such, Brad outright lied to my face and said his name was "Austin," laughing while he said it. It would soon become obvious why Brad and the other individuals did not want to be identified by their real names.
Before I knew what was truly happening, an individual from the crowd of Armstrong supporters attempted to rip my sign out of my hands. This attempt was unsuccessful. At this point, though, I stopped engaging with Armstrong's other supporters who were trying to distract me. Suddenly, the crowed swelled as homosexuals, many of whom were visibly quite intoxicated, streamed out of Necto as it prepared to close for the night. The growing crowd of Armstrong supporters became increasingly hostile and I began to fear for my safety. I started to audibly hum Amazing Grace and I silently said a couple of Hail Marys as I prepared to depart.
It was at this point, however, that I was physically attacked by several of Armstrong's supporters. One or more individuals, who I could not positively identify, grabbed my styrofoam sign. The crowd then tore it to pieces and stomped on it gleefully. In attempting to hold onto my sign, my right arm was significantly bruised and remained so for over a week. I did not fight back, even though I would have been within my rights to do so. Instead, I continued my peaceful witness and hummed Amazing Grace as I began to walk away. Apparently, this caused one Armstrong supporter to spit at me (he thankfully missed his target).
My intention in sharing this testimony is to show the depths to which Armstrong and his violent supporters will go in order to squash the First Amendment rights of the peaceful opposition. In fact, this is not the first time that Armstrong and/or his supporters have engaged in reprehensible behavior in their never-ending quest to silence critics. As has been reported previously in the homosexual press, Armstrong supporter and Washtenaw County Commissioner Jeff Irwin acted as a thug at a pro-homosexual "rights" rally on the University's North Campus on May 8th of this year by repeatedly attempting to destroy a protest sign with a similar message as the one pictured above. See:
As I was violently attacked by Armstrong's supporters on a public sidewalk this past July, images of other recent hate crimes against Christian believers and racial minorities filled my mind. Specifically, I recalled reading about the despicable treatment of Christians and African-Americans in the wake of California's 2008 democratically-enacted Proposition 8, a state constitutional amendment that sought to preserve traditional marriage between one man and one woman. The white, affluent homosexual community, from which Chris Armstrong and his supporters hail, became violently enraged in the wake of Proposition 8 and attacked and desecrated Mormon temples, Catholic churches, and evangelical houses of worship throughout the United States, including here in Michigan (To read about Chris Armstrong's possible involvement in one such despicable incident in November 2008, see:
Moreover, roaming gangs of radical homosexual activists viciously attacked Christians on the street, including elderly women. And some of the most intense hate exhibited by "gays" occurred with respect to African-Americans, who voted overwhelmingly in favor of Proposition 8 (70% to 30%). One African-American who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time made this chilling observation about a pro-homosexual "rights" rally at the time:
It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks.
See: & for a larger chronicle of homosexuals' attacks against Christians and churches in the wake of Proposition 8's passage, please see:
As I was viciously attacked by Armstrong's thugs for simply holding a sign with a message that they did not like, I also recalled fellow Michigan pro-lifer Jim Pouillon, who was mowed-down in a hail of bullets and killed last September 11, 2009 while witnessing for the rights of the unborn outside of the local high school in Owosso, Michigan. Jim, an elderly man who wore leg braces and carried an oxygen tank, was killed by a pro-abortion fanatic who did not like Jim's powerful pro-life sign. With flashes of Jim's martyrdom in my thoughts, and knowing that gun fire was not uncommon around Necto, the hostility of the crowd that July evening/morning told me that I was in serious danger. See: &
Thanks to the Lord above and my guardian angels, the Devil did not get all that he wanted outside of Necto.
Yet, the July incident is instructive. What will happen the next time that individuals decide to peacefully and lawfully exercise their First Amendment rights in opposition to Chris Armstrong and his radical homosexual agenda? Will Armstrong's thugs come out of the shadows once again to violently intimidate and harass the opposition this Fall semester?
As this Concerned Michigan Alumnus has commented previously, mark my words, Armstrong's unjust (and now violent) persecution of his opposition has only just begun. Christian, pro-life, and minority students are now on notice that their First Amendment rights will not be tolerated under Armstrong's increasingly totalitarian student government regime.
Chris Armstrong and his violent lackeys have disgraced the University of Michigan long enough. It is time for MSA President Armstrong to resign or be removed from office.
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 9:00 PM
Labels: anti-Christianity, anti-First Amendment, Brad Bergeron, Chris Armstrong, first "gay" president, Lady Gaga, Liar, Mical DeGraaff, Michigan Student Assembly, Order of Angell, Racist, Tommy Habratowski
Sunday, August 22, 2010
As the 2010-2011 academic year at the University of Michigan quickly approaches, new evidence suggests that the student government will be extremely hostile to Christian students under the leadership of Chris Armstrong, the first openly "gay" president of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) and a fanatical proponent of special rights for homosexuals.
In the past, Armstrong, who has been caught-up in several recently-revealed "gay" sex scandals, has aired his strong disdain for Christians who advocate a Biblical view of homosexuality.
Now, Chris Armstrong Watch has uncovered several "smoking-guns" that suggest that Armstrong and his cronies on MSA are out-right anti-Christian bigots who openly mock God, the Bible, and the sanctity of unborn human life.
Specifically, the smoking-guns involve MSA Representative John Oltean, one of Armstrong's closest friends and a chief supporter of Armstrong's radical homosexual agenda.
Oltean has represented the College of Literature, Science, & the Arts on MSA since 2008. During the 2009-2010 school year, Oltean also chaired MSA's so-called "Peace and Justice Commission," which is best-known for serving as a front for anti-Israeli elements on campus. He was elected again this past March, 2010, along with a slate of candidates running together under Armstrong's M-Forward Party.
The first Facebook (FB) screenshot pictured above shows that Oltean took time out of his day last May to take a picture of a Christian pro-lifer's car in order to publicly MOCK God, the Bible, and the sanctity of unborn human life. The bumper sticker featured in the photo references Jeremiah 1:5 ("Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you . . ."), which causes Oltean to comment: "Hahah . . . Direct quote from god." Notice the lower-case "g".
In the second FB screenshot pictured above, Oltean, his equally vile younger brother David (who currently attends Central Michigan University), and several friends make further offensive comments, specifically mocking God and those who believe in the authority of the Bible:
In the past, Armstrong, who has been caught-up in several recently-revealed "gay" sex scandals, has aired his strong disdain for Christians who advocate a Biblical view of homosexuality.
Now, Chris Armstrong Watch has uncovered several "smoking-guns" that suggest that Armstrong and his cronies on MSA are out-right anti-Christian bigots who openly mock God, the Bible, and the sanctity of unborn human life.
Specifically, the smoking-guns involve MSA Representative John Oltean, one of Armstrong's closest friends and a chief supporter of Armstrong's radical homosexual agenda.
Oltean has represented the College of Literature, Science, & the Arts on MSA since 2008. During the 2009-2010 school year, Oltean also chaired MSA's so-called "Peace and Justice Commission," which is best-known for serving as a front for anti-Israeli elements on campus. He was elected again this past March, 2010, along with a slate of candidates running together under Armstrong's M-Forward Party.
The first Facebook (FB) screenshot pictured above shows that Oltean took time out of his day last May to take a picture of a Christian pro-lifer's car in order to publicly MOCK God, the Bible, and the sanctity of unborn human life. The bumper sticker featured in the photo references Jeremiah 1:5 ("Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you . . ."), which causes Oltean to comment: "Hahah . . . Direct quote from god." Notice the lower-case "g".
In the second FB screenshot pictured above, Oltean, his equally vile younger brother David (who currently attends Central Michigan University), and several friends make further offensive comments, specifically mocking God and those who believe in the authority of the Bible:
David Oltean: On I-127 inbetween mt. pleasant and lansing there's a sign that says 'Life is short, eternity isn't.' -God
Kaitlin Henry: Ugh, looks like someone was eavesdropping on my phonecall with God last week
Evan Nichols: What!? He was gchatting me at the same time, Kaitlin. I feel feel [sic] two-timed.
John Oltean: Hahah, he never talked to me. I feel left out : (
Kaitlin Henry: Ugh, looks like someone was eavesdropping on my phonecall with God last week
Evan Nichols: What!? He was gchatting me at the same time, Kaitlin. I feel feel [sic] two-timed.
John Oltean: Hahah, he never talked to me. I feel left out : (
Sadly, John Oltean's FB comments are indicative of his LONG-HELD viciously anti-Christian and pro-Culture of Death worldview.
In fact, while a student in high school, John Oltean was a member of a band DISGUSTINGLY called "Fetus for Breakfast." The band's Myspace profile page shows a woman in her bathrobe eating what appears to be the remains of an unborn child out of a bowl. See:
John Oltean is obviously a very sick and twisted individual. Unfortunately for Christian and pro-life students at U of M, he's also MSA President Chris Armstrong's right-hand man.
In fact, Oltean and Armstrong have a lot more in common than most know. Oltean - like Armstrong - is a classic limousine liberal who comes from a very wealthy and priviliged background. While Armstrong rides on the coattails of his obscenely wealthy corporate attorney father, Oltean does the same with respect to his well-connected mother, Patricia, who owns a multi-million-dollar cosmetics company that operates in Metro-Detroit (P.S. Cosmetics, Inc.) See: &
One can be sure, however, that the above fact is not something John Oltean likes to play-up with fellow members of U of M's semi-socialist student organization, Students Organizing for Labor and Economic Equality. It's also ironic that the capitalistic system that Oltean rails against on a daily basis at U of M is the same system that has allowed Oltean's family to financially profit to the point where Oltean (like Armstrong) does not have to work summers or part-time during the school year. In fact, thanks to his mommy's money, Oltean took a months-long vacation this summer to (communist) China.
Too bad John Oltean decided to return to the People's Republic of Ann Arbor instead of staying in China because, when it comes to promoting the radical homosexual agenda on campus, anti-Christian bigot Oltean has a proven record of enthusiastically serving as Chris Armstrong's chief lieutenant.
Last December, 2009, Oltean and Armstrong co-sponsored a MSA resolution in support of so-called gender-neutral housing. Specifically, the resolution called for MSA's LGBT, Peace and Justice, and Campus Improvement Commissions to lobby the University for a gender-neutral housing option by the fall of 2010. This resolution stated, "Housing's policy of assignment according to birth gender until sex reassignment surgery ignores the needs of transgender-identified students who have not pursued sex reassignment surgery."
But as the Michigan Daily reported at the time, several MSA representatives opposed the resolution because Armstrong and Oltean have insisted that the gender-neutral housing option be open to all students - not just "transgendered" individuals. The fear among many is that allowing students of different genders to live together with one another in dorm rooms will inevitably endanger female students and possibly lead to a dramatic increase in rapes and other sexual assaults on campus.
Of course, Armstrong, in his wild-eyed pursuit of implementing the radical homosexual agenda at all costs, brushed-off the above valid concerns by telling the Michigan Daily, "If this is an option a lot of people are interested in, I think it will enhance a lot of people's experience with housing." See:
During his run for the presidency of MSA this past spring, Armstrong made the implementation of a gender-neutral housing option - for all students - a center piece of his campaign, promising to utilize his position as student body president to force the issue one way or another.
Anti-Christian bigot John Oltean, who foams at the mouth with hatred for his Creator, Christian believers, and the unborn, will undoubtedly do whatever it takes to see that gender-neutral housing is accomplished. Christian students and other interested parties who voice reasoned opposition to Armstrong's plans will undoubtedly be treated to a vicious campaign of intimidation and harassment.
Nevertheless, as the Bible says, "Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you" Matthew 5:11-12.
In fact, while a student in high school, John Oltean was a member of a band DISGUSTINGLY called "Fetus for Breakfast." The band's Myspace profile page shows a woman in her bathrobe eating what appears to be the remains of an unborn child out of a bowl. See:
John Oltean is obviously a very sick and twisted individual. Unfortunately for Christian and pro-life students at U of M, he's also MSA President Chris Armstrong's right-hand man.
In fact, Oltean and Armstrong have a lot more in common than most know. Oltean - like Armstrong - is a classic limousine liberal who comes from a very wealthy and priviliged background. While Armstrong rides on the coattails of his obscenely wealthy corporate attorney father, Oltean does the same with respect to his well-connected mother, Patricia, who owns a multi-million-dollar cosmetics company that operates in Metro-Detroit (P.S. Cosmetics, Inc.) See: &
One can be sure, however, that the above fact is not something John Oltean likes to play-up with fellow members of U of M's semi-socialist student organization, Students Organizing for Labor and Economic Equality. It's also ironic that the capitalistic system that Oltean rails against on a daily basis at U of M is the same system that has allowed Oltean's family to financially profit to the point where Oltean (like Armstrong) does not have to work summers or part-time during the school year. In fact, thanks to his mommy's money, Oltean took a months-long vacation this summer to (communist) China.
Too bad John Oltean decided to return to the People's Republic of Ann Arbor instead of staying in China because, when it comes to promoting the radical homosexual agenda on campus, anti-Christian bigot Oltean has a proven record of enthusiastically serving as Chris Armstrong's chief lieutenant.
Last December, 2009, Oltean and Armstrong co-sponsored a MSA resolution in support of so-called gender-neutral housing. Specifically, the resolution called for MSA's LGBT, Peace and Justice, and Campus Improvement Commissions to lobby the University for a gender-neutral housing option by the fall of 2010. This resolution stated, "Housing's policy of assignment according to birth gender until sex reassignment surgery ignores the needs of transgender-identified students who have not pursued sex reassignment surgery."
But as the Michigan Daily reported at the time, several MSA representatives opposed the resolution because Armstrong and Oltean have insisted that the gender-neutral housing option be open to all students - not just "transgendered" individuals. The fear among many is that allowing students of different genders to live together with one another in dorm rooms will inevitably endanger female students and possibly lead to a dramatic increase in rapes and other sexual assaults on campus.
Of course, Armstrong, in his wild-eyed pursuit of implementing the radical homosexual agenda at all costs, brushed-off the above valid concerns by telling the Michigan Daily, "If this is an option a lot of people are interested in, I think it will enhance a lot of people's experience with housing." See:
During his run for the presidency of MSA this past spring, Armstrong made the implementation of a gender-neutral housing option - for all students - a center piece of his campaign, promising to utilize his position as student body president to force the issue one way or another.
Anti-Christian bigot John Oltean, who foams at the mouth with hatred for his Creator, Christian believers, and the unborn, will undoubtedly do whatever it takes to see that gender-neutral housing is accomplished. Christian students and other interested parties who voice reasoned opposition to Armstrong's plans will undoubtedly be treated to a vicious campaign of intimidation and harassment.
Nevertheless, as the Bible says, "Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you" Matthew 5:11-12.
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 12:00 PM
Labels: anti-Christianity, Chris Armstrong, David Oltean, Evan Nichols, first "gay" president, Gender-Neutral Housing, John Oltean, Michigan Student Assembly, P.S. Cosmetics Inc, Patricia Oltean, Privileged
Thursday, August 5, 2010
With barely a month left before Fall semester classes begin at the University of Michigan, new student body President Chris Armstrong is publicly rejoicing over a San Francisco federal court's decision this week to overturn California's democratically enacted 2008 constitutional amendment that sought to preserve traditional marriage between one man and one woman.
Armstrong, a radical homosexual activist who has been embroiled in various "gay" sex scandals that have come to light over the past few weeks, updated his Facebook status on Thursday, August 5, 2010 in order to brag about the fact that Vaughn R. Walker, the San Fransisco federal judge who issued the extremely controversial decision in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, received his undergraduate degree from U of M.
Armstrong's new hero, Judge Walker, who - like Armstrong - is openly homosexual, has a history of persecuting Christians from the bench:
In 1999, Walker rejected arguments from the parents of a San Leandro boy who claimed their religious rights were violated by pro-gay comments their son's teacher had made in the classroom. In 2005, Walker sided with the city of Oakland against two employees who placed fliers promoting 'natural family, marriage and family values.' Walker wrote in an opinion that the city had 'significant interests in restricting discriminatory speech about homosexuals . . . (and has) a duty under state law to prevent workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.'
Given openly homosexual Judge Walker's long-held bias against Christians, it is unsurprising that Armstrong would celebrate the Perry decision by highlighting the fact that he is proud that "Walker went to Michigan."
In fact, following Armstrong's election as the first openly "gay" president of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) earlier this year, the Alliance Defense Fund, a well-respected Christian legal foundation, issued a strong warning about Armstrong and his agenda - an agenda that includes a full frontal assault on the rights of Christian students.
Of course, Judge Walker and MSA President Chris Armstrong have some other things in common besides the fact that they both are affiliated with U of M, despise Christians, and use their positions to impose the radical homosexual agenda. It seems that Judge Walker and Armstrong also share a love of elitism.
Judge Walker has a well-documented "aversion to harsh sentences for well-educated, well-heeled criminals, and, in particular, perpetrators of securities fraud."
Meantime, as has been documented here previously on this watch site, Armstrong, whose father - Steve Armstrong - is an obscenely wealthy corporate attorney, is a member of Order of Angell, a secret student society with a well-known history of racism and elitism (a society that Armstrong joined after lying and telling minority students during his MSA presidential campaign that he would never join such an offensive group).
Armstrong's explicit and enthusiastic support of Judge Walker's role in legalizing homosexual marriage in California is yet another truly FRIGHTENING indication that Armstrong plans to use his position as student body president to relentlessly persecute Christians on campus and any others who stand in the way of his deeply radical homosexual agenda. Now is the time for Christians and all others of good will to rise-up and demand that Armstrong be removed from office - before the persecution begins in earnest this September.
Posted by Concerned Michigan Alumnus at 7:12 PM
Labels: "Gay" Marriage, anti-Christianity, California, Chris Armstrong, Elitist, Facebook, first "gay" president, Michigan Student Assembly, Order of Angell, Perry, Steve Armstrong, Vaughn Walker
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